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<i class="modus-icons notranslate">sphere</i>


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<svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 0 32 32">

  <path d="M16 1C7.729 1 1 7.729 1 16s6.729 15 15 15 15-6.729 15-15S24.271 1 16 1zm13 15c0 1.581-2.395 3.28-6.267 4.234.17-1.335.267-2.75.267-4.234 0-5.235-1.131-9.673-2.922-12.335C25.253 5.38 29 10.257 29 16zM16 3c2.365 0 5 5.339 5 13 0 1.673-.132 3.227-.353 4.647A30.22 30.22 0 0 1 16 21c-7.661 0-13-2.635-13-5C3 8.832 8.832 3 16 3zM3.665 20.078C6.327 21.868 10.765 23 16 23a33.4 33.4 0 0 0 4.234-.267C19.279 26.605 17.58 29 16 29c-5.743 0-10.62-3.747-12.335-8.922zm16.413 8.257c1-1.487 1.792-3.532 2.297-5.96 2.428-.506 4.473-1.296 5.96-2.297a13.048 13.048 0 0 1-8.257 8.257z"/>