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W mostly clear day


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<svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 0 32 32">

  <path d="M26.85 19.68a4.505 4.505 0 0 0-1.377-3.018A7.036 7.036 0 0 0 26 14c0-3.86-3.14-7-7-7a6.949 6.949 0 0 0-6.755 5.184c-3.016.66-5.352 3.101-5.775 6.145C3.41 18.582 1 21.098 1 24.153 1 27.377 3.682 30 6.979 30H25.66c2.945 0 5.34-2.344 5.34-5.225 0-2.497-1.755-4.569-4.15-5.094zM19 9c2.757 0 5 2.243 5 5 0 .546-.099 1.084-.27 1.598a4.703 4.703 0 0 0-1.542-.274c-.632 0-1.245.122-1.813.358-1.228-2.088-3.47-3.465-5.95-3.646C15.2 10.25 16.985 9 19 9zm6.66 19H6.98C4.785 28 3 26.274 3 24.153c0-2.12 1.785-3.845 3.979-3.845a4.7 4.7 0 0 1 .338.014.98.98 0 0 0 .76-.27 1.02 1.02 0 0 0 .323-.744C8.4 16.38 10.86 14 13.88 14c2.269 0 4.331 1.38 5.13 3.436a.996.996 0 0 0 .66.6.994.994 0 0 0 .875-.165 2.706 2.706 0 0 1 1.644-.547c1.47 0 2.666 1.152 2.666 2.568 0 .162-.016.318-.046.471a1.003 1.003 0 0 0 .952 1.191c1.816.052 3.239 1.468 3.239 3.221C29 26.554 27.502 28 25.66 28zM19 6a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V3a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1zm-7.07 2.343a.997.997 0 0 0 1.413 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414L11.93 5.515a1 1 0 1 0-1.414 1.414l1.414 1.414zm13.434.293a.997.997 0 0 0 .707-.293l1.414-1.414a1 1 0 1 0-1.414-1.414l-1.414 1.414a1 1 0 0 0 .707 1.707zM27 14a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2a1 1 0 1 0 0-2h-2a1 1 0 0 0-1 1z"/>