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W overcast


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<svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 0 32 32">

  <path d="M26.85 16.681c-.01-.223-.054-.436-.096-.65h1.016c1.78 0 3.23-1.532 3.23-3.415 0-1.649-1.116-3.028-2.594-3.34-.09-3.46-2.745-6.244-5.995-6.244-2.389 0-4.498 1.473-5.465 3.742-1.497.035-2.86.899-3.622 2.252-3.526.255-6.382 2.905-6.854 6.303C3.41 15.582 1 18.098 1 21.154 1 24.377 3.682 27 6.979 27H25.66c2.944 0 5.34-2.343 5.34-5.224 0-2.498-1.755-4.572-4.15-5.095zm-9.808-7.908c.13 0 . 1 0 0 0 1.187-.697c.531-1.844 2.067-3.082 3.822-3.082 2.204 0 3.997 1.985 3.997 4.425 0 .216-.006.433-.038.649a.998.998 0 0 0 1.219 1.12.802.802 0 0 1 .181-.016c.678 0 1.23.631 1.23 1.406 0 .78-.552 1.416-1.23 1.416H25.8a4.68 4.68 0 0 0-3.612-1.707 4.73 4.73 0 0 0-1.813.357c-1.007-1.713-2.698-2.952-4.641-3.444a2.155 2.155 0 0 1 1.308-.465zM25.66 25H6.98C4.785 25 3 23.275 3 21.154c0-2.12 1.785-3.846 3.979-3.846.114 0 .227.006.338.015a.984.984 0 0 0 .76-.27 1.02 1.02 0 0 0 .323-.745C8.4 13.38 10.86 11 13.88 11c2.269 0 4.331 1.381 5.13 3.436a.997.997 0 0 0 1.534.436 2.706 2.706 0 0 1 1.645-.548c1.47 0 2.666 1.153 2.666 2.569 0 .16-.016.317-.046.47a.999.999 0 0 0 .953 1.192c1.815.05 3.238 1.466 3.238 3.22C29 23.555 27.502 25 25.66 25z"/>