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W overcast


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<i class="modus-icons notranslate">w-overcast</i>


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<svg xmlns="" fill="currentColor" height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
  <path d="M26.349 17.1a3.968 3.968 0 0 0-.092-1.068h1.514c1.78 0 3.229-1.533 3.229-3.416 0-1.649-1.116-3.028-2.594-3.34-.09-3.46-2.745-6.244-5.995-6.244-2.389 0-4.498 1.473-5.465 3.742-1.673.039-3.183 1.107-3.869 2.742-.005.011-.002.024-.007.035-3.295.374-5.899 2.992-6.15 6.257-2.994.031-5.42 2.417-5.42 5.346 0 2.948 2.458 5.346 5.479 5.346H25.66c2.669 0 4.84-2.119 4.84-4.724 0-2.392-1.783-4.353-4.151-4.676zm-9.307-8.327c.13 0 . 0 0 0 1.187-.697c.531-1.844 2.067-3.082 3.822-3.082 2.204 0 3.997 1.985 3.997 4.425 0 .216-.006.433-.038.649a.998.998 0 0 0 1.219 1.12.802.802 0 0 1 .181-.016c.678 0 1.23.631 1.23 1.406 0 .78-.552 1.416-1.23 1.416h-2.474c-.046 0-.085.02-.13.026a4.197 4.197 0 0 0-2.978-1.233c-.72 0-1.41.175-2.026.512-.948-1.9-2.771-3.247-4.869-3.677.439-.554 1.074-.887 1.749-.887z"/>