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<i class="modus-icons notranslate">driver_groups</i>


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<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
  <path d="M9 7.067V5.933A2.879 2.879 0 0 1 11.821 3h.358A2.879 2.879 0 0 1 15 5.933v1.134A2.879 2.879 0 0 1 12.179 10h-.358A2.879 2.879 0 0 1 9 7.067Zm5.636 3.571a4.454 4.454 0 0 1-2.458.74h-.356a4.455 4.455 0 0 1-2.458-.74 2.708 2.708 0 0 0-2.529 2.697v.202a11.328 11.328 0 0 0 1.402.66 4.658 4.658 0 0 1 7.526 0 11.33 11.33 0 0 0 1.402-.66v-.202a2.708 2.708 0 0 0-2.529-2.697Zm1.385 6.264a4.021 4.021 0 1 1-3.945-3.944 4.021 4.021 0 0 1 3.945 3.944Zm-4.325 1.12a.282.282 0 0 0-.142-.248.919.919 0 0 1-.244-.198.28.28 0 0 0-.212-.095H9.025a.174.174 0 0 0-.17.212 3.228 3.228 0 0 0 2.623 2.468.188.188 0 0 0 .218-.185Zm.716-.972a.418.418 0 1 0-.341.341.419.419 0 0 0 .341-.341Zm2.726.67a.196.196 0 0 0-.191-.24H12.91a.308.308 0 0 0-.229.105.917.917 0 0 1-. 0 0 0-.123.202v1.97a.204.204 0 0 0 .237.2 3.228 3.228 0 0 0 2.597-2.436Zm.029-1.346a3.224 3.224 0 0 0-6.337.018.242.242 0 0 0 .26.287l2.079-.202a.135.135 0 0 0 .107-.053.912.912 0 0 1 1.448 0 .134.134 0 0 0 .107.053l2.06.2a.256.256 0 0 0 .276-.303Z"/>