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<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
  <path d="M6.592 12a3.626 3.626 0 0 0-1.098 7.07L6.492 22l.998-2.93a3.482 3.482 0 0 0 2.494-3.434A3.378 3.378 0 0 0 6.592 12ZM6.5 17a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 0-3A1.465 1.465 0 0 1 8 15.5 1.532 1.532 0 0 1 6.5 17Zm13.443-2.061a3.57 3.57 0 0 0 .029-.439 2.698 2.698 0 0 0-.035-.439l.978-.742a.228.228 0 0 0 .057-.287l-.925-1.558a.238.238 0 0 0-.284-.102l-1.151.45a3.415 3.415 0 0 0-.781-.438l-.174-1.193a.23.23 0 0 0-.231-.191h-1.852a.223.223 0 0 0-.225.191l-.174 1.193a3.506 3.506 0 0 0-.781.438l-1.151-.45a.232.232 0 0 0-.284.102l-.926 1.558a.214.214 0 0 0 .058.287l.978.742a2.578 2.578 0 0 0-.006.878l-.978.742a.228.228 0 0 0-.057.287l.925 1.558a.238.238 0 0 0 .284.102l1.151-.45a3.415 3.415 0 0 0 .781.438l.174 1.193a.234.234 0 0 0 .231.191h1.852a.22.22 0 0 0 .225-.191l.174-1.193a3.506 3.506 0 0 0 .781-.438l1.151.45a.232.232 0 0 0 .284-.102l.926-1.558a.214.214 0 0 0-.058-.287ZM16.5 16.187a1.688 1.688 0 1 1 1.736-1.687 1.717 1.717 0 0 1-1.736 1.688ZM10.592 2a3.626 3.626 0 0 0-1.098 7.07l.998 2.93.998-2.93a3.482 3.482 0 0 0 2.494-3.434A3.378 3.378 0 0 0 10.592 2ZM10.5 7A1.465 1.465 0 0 1 9 5.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 3 0A1.532 1.532 0 0 1 10.5 7Z"/>